Friday 3 March 2017

A week full of birthday!

Last weekend was my birthday weekend! I wanted a kind of low key birthday this year...well it always starts like that...but on Friday I had a good meeting with my mentor :) then went to some sample sales, although they weren't what I expected and then in the evening I met some friends from uni in the uni bar. Well I thought I was gonna leave and be home by like midnight, but that did not happen, well we ended up in a club at Leicester Square and we were the last one leaving the club haha! It was a great night especially that it was my friend's and my birthday party!

Then on Saturday I went to visit Dora as we agreed to take some pregnant photos of her. We really took photos for like a good 3-4 hours...and in the end...she came out from the kitchen with a homemade banoffee pie for my birthday! How nice from her! And yummy too! Andreas also popped in for an hour.

Then I met some other friends my uni girlies, but we just organised it to celebrate our good proposal results and a new job for one of us, so it was not a birthday bash, but it ended up like one :) as the girls brought me prezzies and in the end it was kind of like birthday drinks! :) so yes it's going on for almost a week now! :)
But Thursday really was back to reality with work and uni or maybe not...


[In Hungarian]

Mult hetvege volt a szulinapi hetvegem! Nem terveztem semmi extrat, csak egy kis iszogatast baratokkal, de...vegul is...penteken mar reggel talalkoztam a mentorommal, ami megint nagyon jol sikerult, majd vasarolni mentem, de nem talaltam semmit, es vegul az egyetemi magyar baratokkal ultunk be a suliba par italra, de vegul egy kozpontban levo diszkoban kotottunk ki es mi voltunk az utolsok akik elhagytak a helyet :) Jo kis buli volt es igy az egyik baratnom es en is megunnepeltuk a szulinapunkat :) a tobbiekkel!

Aztan szombatra eligerkeztem Dorihoz, hogy csinaljunk terhes fotokat...hat tenyleg vagy 3-4 oran keresztul fotoztunk es sok nagyon szuper kep sikerult! Es a vegen meg egy karamellas bananos nagyon angol tortaval is meglepett szulinapomra...plusz meg a Topi is betoppant :) egy kis idore.

Na de meg ezen a heten is folytattam a szulinapozast amikor is talakoztam egyetemi csajszikkal :) mondjuk egyaltalan nem a szulinapom miatt taliztunk, hanem azert mert az egyikonk most kapott uj munkat, Karolina meg en pedig jo eredmenyt ertunk el a disszertacio javaslatommal. De vegen megis csak egy szulinapi este kerekedett belole, ajandekokkal, jo kedvvel es sok sok nevetessel!
De most mar visszatertem a mindennapi hetkoznapokhoz...vagy meg sem? :)









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