Friday 13 January 2017

It's pretty dang cold

Brrrr it's pretty dang cold!!! It has been almost a week that I got back to London and it seems I have brought the cold with me from Hungary. In Hungary it was pretty dang cold reaching up to... or shall I rather say down to minus 19 in my area! But due to the humidity and foggy evenings just before this coldness, beautiful frosted trees were created in my small town! :) Making the pictures fairy-tale like :) reminding us to the Disney cartoon Frozen. Let it go!!!.... Let it go!!! Haha!

But lovelies! It was so cold, that my flight had a 2-hour delay...delayed because the BA plane's door was frozen and they needed to defrost it....but will you do that quickly in minus 10 degrees? Exactly, so they could not open the side door for the luggages and no unloading or loading could have taken place...what a mess...
But as my flight was just before the big day of BA (11th Jan) not serving any complimentary food/snacks/drinks on any of their shorthaul EU was a merry flight and it seemed the staff just wanted to get rid of any extra pieces. So they were offering the snacks until they completely ran out! We could have plenty :) The staff was very friendly and smiling! :) and it was like 'Champagne to everyone!' :) serving booze by the litre.
Then in London what else than a well awaited tube strike was waiting for me, causing more trouble to get home....but who cares because it was not pretty dang cold anymore as I landed into plus 10 degrees :) although by now it's getting cold again and there should be snowing on today! Watch out and don't get frozen like these trees in the picture! :)
XoXo and have a lovely Friday you all inspite of being Friday the 13th! :)
(it was even hard to put a smile on in this cold weather haha)


[In Hungarian]

Brrrr nagyon hideg van!!! Mar lassan egy hete annak, hogy visszajottem Londonba es ugy tunik, hoztam a borondomben a hideget magammal. Magyarban nagyon hideg volt, a homerseklet ahol en lakok elerte a -19 fokot is. De a hideg elotti kodos, nyirkos idonek koszonhetoen, mindent zuzmara boritott be ezaltal megszepitve a kopasz fakat a kis varoskamban :) a taj szinte mesebe illo volt. Minden olyan volt mint a Disney Jegvarazs mesejeben, haber a kepek nem adjak ezt vissza teljesen.

Na de olyan hideg volt, hogy kepzeljetek amikor repultem volna vissza a replu ket orat kesett azert mert a gep csomagteri ajtaja teljesen hat hogyan lehet egy befagyott ajtot feloldani a minusz 10 fokos hidegben? Nem tudom, de ez ket orajukba de ennek ellenere a jarta maga egeszen vidam bulisra sikeredett. Ugy gondolom azert mert januar 11-e volt az utolso nap, hogy a British Airways ingyen adott etelt/italt az europai jaratok fedelzeten. Igy ahelyett, hogy a szemelyzet egyszer korbe ment volna a annyiszor osztogattak a kekszet, csipszet meg izesitett mogyorot amig abbol ki nem fogytak. Emellett az italt is liter szamra szolgaltak az embereknek :) bar lehet, hogy az emberek voltak inkabb reszegesek hehe :) Egyebkent a legi utaskiserok is nagyon kedvesek es vidamak voltak :) tobb emberrel beszelgettek is, csak ugy random. Mondom ez egy nagyon nem szokvanyos jarat volt :) a party jarat hihi!

Aztan megerkeztem Londonba es egy fantasztikus metrosztrajk vart amely meghosszabba tette a hazautamat, mivel az allomasok ido elott le lettek zarva, igy metroznom meg buszoznom kellett mindenfele atszallasokkal. Na de mindegy a lenyeg, hogy a szuper hidegbol plusz 10 fokba erkeztem :) bar azota itt is lehult, tegnap esett a ho es mar ma is esett!
Puszik! es annak ellenere, hogy pentek 13-a van, legyen csodas napotok es oltozzetek fel, hogy ne fagyjatok ugy meg mint a fak a kepeken!
(meg a mosoly sem ment a nagy hidegben haha )

















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