Thursday 17 November 2016

Hungarian Din Din with Friends!

Hello Sentimentals! :)

This week was busy as hell again, hence I am only able to bring you the pics of the weekend's Hungarian dinner now! ... Eating Out! Friends! Winebars! Shopping! Christmas shopping! Gymtime! Permanent Hair Removal! This was all since Monday!!! And besides all this I work as really, everyday I got home super late completely knackered! But here I am again!

So this dinner was planned for months and months, but either I was at a wedding (1,2,3,4,5) or they were busy writing up their dissertations...and finally we did it! Although I was out on Saturday as well, I still managed to cook this three-course Hungarian meal to couple of my dear uni friends! :) Well I wanted to show that Hungarian cuisine is not only about goulash and tried to copy the chef's and one of the contestants' dishes from the Hungarian Masterchef to show how traditional peasant or shepherd food can be revamped for an almost fine dining experience! Of course I am not a chef and would need to learn loads, for example to put more salt in the food, but I think it was a pretty good attempt! And besides the food, the company was really great too! Obviously you can see we had a great time, but to tell you the truth a bottle of prosecco and another Hungarian delicacy; wine form Tokaj also helped us a bit :)

I think the pictures will tell how such a great time we had and as you all know me as someone that never stops and thinks sleeping is a waste of time (since I don't remember my dreams) I was pretty happy that they only left between 1-2am :) allowing enough time to contemplate about life, our future, boys, and having lots of fun and laughter! :)

And since the dessert was a real winner (haha there is no salt needed in there) I made it again the next day so they could even take it home! :)

In case you want the recipe, let me know in the comment section! :)

[In Hungarian]

Sziasztok Kedves Szentimentalisok! :)

Hat....igen, magyar otthonban mindig kerdezi a csaladom, hogy hogy nincs idom erre meg arra, meg ezt megvenni vagy azt keresni stb....hat csak azert mert minden hetem olyan mint ez a mostani is. Pokolian tele van! Peldaul hetfo ota, mar talalkoztam baratokkal! Kajalni is voltunk etteremben! Borozoban voltunk! Vasarolgattam! Karacsonyi bevasarlast csinaltam! Edzoteremben voltam! Vegleges szortelenitesre szantam el magam es mar voltam is! Es mindez csak hetfo ota, persze mindemellett dolgozok minden nap :) szoval ezert nem tudtam hamarabb hozni a kepeket a sikeres magyar vacsirol! Na de en igy szeretem!!! Nem tudnek csak a popomon ulni es csak TV-zni es semmit tenni!

Ezt a vacsit mar honapok ota tervezezgettuk, de vagy eskuvon voltam (1,2,3,4,5) vagy a tobbiek nyaraltak vagy eppen disszertaciot irtak! Szoval vegre a mult hetvegen meg tudtuk ejteni! Igaz hogy szombat kora delutanig oda voltam kavezni meg mentorozni, de vegulis estere eleg jol osszerittyentettem egy harom fogasos magyar vacsit Konyhafonok modra. Mivel egyik baratnom sem magyar ezert mindenkeppen meg akartam nekik mutatni, hogy a magyar konyha nem csak a hires gulyasbol all, es ezert direkt inkabb ugymond egyszeru, szegeny ember eledelet valasztottam a sef repertoarjabol amit aztan az o ujragondolasaval lemasoltam. Termeszetesen meg igen sokat kellene tanulnom a fozesben, de azert ugy gondolom a sozast leszamitva, hogy egeszen finom vacsora kerekedett ki belole :) A csajok imadtak! Na es persze a vacsi mellett, mint ahogyan a kepek is mutatjak igazan jol elvoltunk :) na persze ehhez meg az is hozzajarult, hogy volt egy uveg habzo borunk es egy igazi magyar csemege; Tokaji is :)

Ugy gondolom a kepek magukert beszelnek es mindent elarulnak, hogy mennyire jol ereztuk magunkat :) es kulon orultem annak, hogy nem mentek haza koran, hanem hajnal 1-2-ig maradtak, hogy elmelazhassunk az elet dolgain, a jovonkon, hol fogunk kikotni, na es persze a pasikon is! :) Mindemellett nagyokat nevettunk :)

Es mivel a desszert olyan jol sikerult, (hat igen abba nem kellett so) masnap egy nagy tepsivel csinaltam, hiszen az alapanyagok meg voltak es csak ossze kellett raknom...igy amikor Chris jott meg haza is tudott vinni egy nagy adagot :)

Ha szeretned a receptet akkor hagyj egy kommentet :)


Sorry the picture quality is not the best as they are only iphone pics/Bocsi a kep minosegeert, de csak iphone-nal lettek keszitve es nem normal geppel.
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Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends



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Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends


Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends





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Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends

Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends

Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends


Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends


Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends

Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends

Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends


Hungarian_Dinner_with _Friends



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