Tuesday 29 November 2016

Christmas Markets: Little Sweden in London

Hello dear Sentimentals! :)

I am so sorry, I was not able to post anything these last days, because I was just really busy with partying! :) In the past 10 days I have never managed to get home sort of before 1am or 2am, the next day work, work out and then dinners or just drinking again. So this all sounds great, but I have really neglected the blog, but hey! Here I am now with our Swedish Christmas Market in London :) and some more things to be showcased or write about.

Every year the Swedish church in Marylebone/Edgware Road organises their annual Christmas Fair, normally around the 3rd weekend of November to share a little bit of Scandi feeling with apparently 8000 visitors this year, who could buy all sorts of Scandi treats, books, gifts, food, drink and even reindeer meat or reindeer sausage!

We were planning to go there on Saturday, but I just read that Saturday should be avoided due to the crowds of people wanting to go in. So we already explored it a bit on Thursday evening, when the priest assured us that he would let us in on Saturday and we should not worry :) Of course the German punctuality....my German friend from uni was there already way before our meeting time. The rest of us and me being a notorious latecomer, arrived a little later, but luckily we could just join him in the queue so we only needed to wait till the doors were opened at 11am. However as there was this long queue on the pavement, there wasn't enough space for me and me as usual just chatting and talking a lot I ended up falling over in front of everyone....so embarrassing :D lol.

The doors were opened and after leaving our coats in the cloakroom we not only wanted to check the market, but also to have the yummy gløgg, which is the Scandinavian version of mulled wine. It is a little bit stronger than just the normal mulled wine, because other than wine, there is a splash of brandy in it as well :) with raisins and almonds. However I just heard from my friend from the Spitsbergen that the EU would like to control what is in the gløgg, exactly because of the splash of brandy...according to the EU there should not be any other alcohol than wine. Well it is very tasty and loved the little kick of it too, would be a shame to lose its authenticity! And maybe this is one of the reason why all Swedish are so cheerful and friendly :) We need that little extra kick :)

We tried everything :) drank gløgg and then we went up to the cafe, which seems to be in front of the altar with really pretty ceilings, chandeliers and ornaments. A good tip is to try to get there as soon as you can as queues can add up in no time! I had the salmon sandwich and apple cake with vanilla-sauce and ordered it in Swedish and the girl behind the counter was so happy about it. The others had some buns and also the well-known super delicious green princess kakke (recipe here if you want it).
I also played the tombola just to see if I was lucky enough to win something (you know I am a winner) haha opening each ticket with a hope of winning something, in the end I won the smallest thing there a wooden Christmas decoration :) but one of us badly wanted the big furry teddy bear...well I could not help with that...I think we had a good time there and god knows how but we spent there like 2 hours :) and then headed down to a much less Christmassy Winter Wonderland...


[In Hungarian]

Sziasztok ismetelten! :)

Jo sokara, de itt vagyok megint! Fuu az utobbi napok, szamszerint 10, hat eleg huzosak voltak...melo nappal, aztan utana vagy edzoterem, vagy vacsora vagy koktelozas, koncert stb...szoval nem ertem haza sosem hajnal 1-2 elott...aztan masnap kezdodott elolrol :) Mindez azonkivul, hogy kicsit faraszto, de szuper volt...de ez azt is jelentette, hogy sajnos nem tudtam semmit sem hozni ide. Na de mar sok minden van felhalmozva amit meg szeretnek veletek osztani es kezdjuk a londoni Sved Karacsonyi Piaccal :)

A marylebone-i sved templom minden evben megrendez egy skandinav foleg sved hangulatu karacsonyi piacot a templomban. Altalaban november harmadik hetvegejen keritenek sort ra, sok sok sved, illetve skandi cuccal, mint peldaul a tipikus karacsonyi manocskak, konyvek, fa karcsonyi diszek, a diszes szines lovacskak, de van itt kaja is peldaul renszarvas hus, amit meg is lehet kostolni, vagy a sved forralt bor ha megszomjaznank.

Szoval szombatra terveztuk, hogy menjunk, de aztan hallottam, hogy jobb a szombatot elkerulni, mert hosszu sor van, hiszen iden is 8000 latogato volt...szoval mi mar csutortokon elmentunk es megerdeklodtuk, hogy mi is a helyzet szombaton, de a pap aki szuper kedves volt, mondta hogy be fog bennunket engedni es nem lesz nagy sor, nem kell sokkal korabban erkezni....na de radasul, ha van valaki a bandaban mint az uj nemet srac aki mindig szuper pontos sot sokkal hamarabb erkezik, akkor tenyleg nem kell aggodni :) o mar ott volt 10:30tol es igy...ismertek en mindenhonnak kesek...barmennyire is probalom odatenni magam...szoval a lenyeg, hogy igy szinte az elsok kozott voltunk, mert csak siman csatlakoztunk hozza...na de azert volt sor es az egyik csajszit a sor vegerol szedtem ossze es annyira beszelgettunk, hogy egyszer csak lecsuszott a labam a padkarol es egy jo nagyot puffantam :) szerencsere nem lett semmi bajom, de eleg ciki volt....haha!

Miutan megnyitottak bent voltunk se perc alatt es termeszetesen nem csak a cuki kis dolgokat akartuk csekkolni, de mindenkeppen terveztuk, hogy a forralt bor sved megfelelojet a gløgg-ot is kiprobaljuk :) kicsit erosebb mint a forralt bor es ezert nem is adnak olyan sokat belole, mert az aljan a mandulan es mazsolan kivul meg egy adag brandy is figyelt. bar pont most hallottam a spitzbergaki baratnomtol, hogy az EU probalja leszabalyozni, hogy mi lehet a gløgg-ben, mert hogy csak borbol kellene csinalni...de pont ez a lenyeg! Talan eppen ezert olyan mosolygosak pirospozsgasak a svedek, mert belekevernek brandyt es vodkat meg mas piat is :) Kar lenne erte! :) nekunk bejott ez a kis extra benne!

Probaltunk mindent kiprobalni, megkostolni :) ittunk sved forralt bort, meg felmentunk a kavezo reszere is, ami nagyon szuper! Kepzeljetek el a templom oltarat es a padok ahelyett, hogy az oltal fele neznenek, hosszaban vannak rakva, koztuk pedig hosszu asztalok, amelyek kore le lehet ulni es jo hangulatban elfogyasztani a kis itokankat es sutinket :) en egy lazacos szendvicset ettem, meg egy almas sutit vanilia sodoval. A tobbiek pedig megkostoltak a fahejas csigat es a szuper finom es hires 'hercegno tortat'. Gyurka baratom is szokott ilyet csinalni....nyamm! (receptet itt talaltok angolul).
Na persze mivel azert eleg szerencses ember vagyok ki kellett probalni a tombolat is, es igaz hogy meg lett az eredmenye, de nem a fonyeremenyt hanem a legkisebb fa karacsonyi diszt nyertem meg. Ez is valami, bar az egyikonk a legnagyobb es legpuhabb teddy mackot szerette volna...az ido eleg gyorsan ment de mindenki jol erezte magat es ki tudja hogyan de kb 2 orat vagy tobbet is eltoltottunk ott...majd a sokkal kevesbe karacsonyi hangulatu Winter Wonderland-be vettuk az iranyt...de az mar nem igazan tetszett senkinek sem.


This collage was made by Phoebe


























Where: Swedish Church - Svenska Kyrkan, 6 Harcourt street, London, W1H 4AG
When: usually 3rd weekend in November, but the cafe is open daily

I would recommend to go there!

My Romantic Swiss Dot Blouse - Stradivarius ~ £19.99
Black Shaper Jeans  - H&M ~ £39.99


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